Adriana Suarez

Adriana Suarez's Fundraiser

End Period Poverty in Kansas City  image

End Period Poverty in Kansas City

Help me reach my goal of $500 by donating $25 to cover the cost of one month of period products!


$0 towards $500

Join me in supporting REAL change with Giving Hope & Help.

🌟Ever since I was a young girl, there was never a doubt that I love connected with people. My life purpose is to bring out the brightest light in each soul I meet 🌟

Hey friends and family!

I first learned about Giving Hope & Help as a senior in High School at Sumner Academy where I learned about their scholarship opportunity: The Education is Your Passport Scholarship, In May 2019, I received a phone call from Mrs. Jessica McClellan which changed my life! Jessica shared the news that I received a scholarship from Giving Hope & Help!

At the time, I had no idea the large impact that the organization had on domestic violence survivors, cancer patients, and girls, woman, and menstruators locally and around the globe! Giving Hope & Help is now the place I am proud to call HOME as the volunteer/donations manager I am able to touch more individuals and make meaningful connections in the community.

This organization truly changed my life and I wonder if you can help make a difference in another students' life by contributing to our #GivingTuesday campaign?
Thank you for your support and joining the #NoMenstruator Without Period Products Movement.
Please feel free to share this message with friends, family, coworkers and more to give today! The more the merrier, thank you! 💜

I hope that you save some of your money from Black Friday and Cyber Monday for GIVING TUESDAY and support my Giving Hope & Help campaign to faithfully raise $500 in 24 hours. You can help us by making an impact today. Just a small donation of $25 will cover one month of Period Products and will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for GIVING HOPE & HELP. 💜

Your donation will be doing more than providing a monetary donation- you’re helping break cycles of hardship that no one should have to face.

Period poverty affects 1 in 5 women, girls, and underserved individuals, limiting their ability to live safe, healthy lives. For those in difficult situations, including survivors of domestic violence, access to period products is often an overlooked but essential need.

Your donation will EMPOWER a survivor to pursue work, education, and independence without being held back by lack of resources.
Together, let’s give hope, give help, and make an impactful difference. Join the movement, make a difference, and help us end period poverty and abuse. Let’s make this a reality—PERIOD. #GiveHopeHelp #WeEndPeriodPoverty #NoMenstruatorWithout #NoMoreAbusePERIOD"